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Cloud BI: Strategy and Adoption by Region

North America is cloudier than Europe

North America has embraced the cloud more fully than Europe at this time. It is more committed to a cloud strategy and has double the rate of “high” usage of the cloud compared to Europe. It also has a higher percentage of companies that are strategically committed to cloud BI to a high degree, and it has higher usage as well. This is no surprise since North America is home to many cloud software firms and has traditionally been a fast adopter of new technologies compared to Europe.

Cloud BI: Strategy and Adoption by Region

Cloud computing strategy by region (n=340)

Cloud BI: Strategy and Adoption by Region

Cloud usage by region (n=365)

Cloud BI: Strategy and Adoption by Region

Cloud BI strategy by region (n=365)

Cloud BI: Strategy and Adoption by Region

Cloud BI components by region (n=341)

Both North America and Europe are more likely to use public cloud platforms than either private or hybrid platforms. But Europe shows a decidedly greater use of private cloud platforms than North America.

Cloud BI: Strategy and Adoption by Region

Cloud platform by region (n=161)

North American organizations are much more willing to let vendors play a greater role in their cloud BI solutions than European companies. They are more likely to trust vendors to host the BI solution and manage and run the environment.

Cloud BI: Strategy and Adoption by Region

Vendor role by region (n=159)

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