Topical surveys

Latest results from surveys on data, analytics, business intelligence, data science, corporate performance management, business planning and many more

Valuable information on trends & technologies through market analyses and user surveys

An important building block for successful corporate management is qualified knowledge of the customer market and the company’s own competitive position. To this end, BARC regularly conducts independent user surveys with a global or regional focus on the use and selection of software tools. → Current surveys

The collection and targeted analysis of primary data generates information for effective management decisions. In addition, BARC contributes valuable insights into technology and market developments in its customized market analyses.

All studies are characterized by their independence and focus on both the global and the regional market. BARC draws on many years of experience in the analysis of enterprise software. BARC’s expertise also flows into white papers, research notes and benchmarks, and provides information on current trends and technologies.

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BARC market research studies
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