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Nikolai Janoschek

Head of Market Research and Marketing

Nikolai is responsible for market research and marketing at BARC.



Nikolai heads both the market research and marketing departments.

He is responsible for the Software and Topical Surveys and works with the market research team to produce the best content and visual survey-based studies on data, BI, analytics and CPM/planning.

Together with the marketing team, Niko ensures that data & analytics professionals are aware of and engage with the best source of information and decision support in data, BI, analytics and CPM/planning.

5 questions to Nikolai Janoschek

What are you known for at BARC?

For our Australian Shepherd Holly

What are you reading at the moment?

Brothers by Jackie Thomae

What TV series would you recommend?

The Wire and Sopranos, in general almost everything that HBO produces

What’s the coolest thing about working at BARC?

The variety of tasks, the flexibility in all areas and the opportunity to take on responsibility after a relatively short time

How long have you been working at BARC?

Since 2013

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