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BI Trend Monitor 2020

This year, we asked 2,865 users, consultants, and vendors for their opinions on the most important business intelligence trends.

BARC’s BI Trend Monitor 2020 study gives BI practitioners a platform to have their say on the trends currently shaping the BI and data management market, supplemented by additional commentary and analysis from BARC analysts.

This infographic summarizes the importance that BI users and consultants attach to a series of 20 trends. It also reveals how these trends have evolved in popularity over the last five years.

Infographic Trend Monitor 2020
Data, BI and Analytics Trend Monitor
Der neue Data, BI und Analytics Trend Monitor zeigt Ihnen, welche Trends den BI-, Analytics und Datenmanagementmarkt prägen. Lernen Sie jetzt, in welche Trends sich die Investition wirklich lohnt!

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Founder & CEO

As founder and CEO, Dr. Carsten Bange has built BARC into Europe’s leading market analysis and consulting firm for data & analytics over the past 25 years. With his team of 50 people, he helps companies make the strategic, organizational and technological decisions that ensure their successful transformation into data- and analytics-driven organizations.

Dr. Bange is considered one of the leading experts on the technology market and the beneficial use of data & analytics, which makes him a sought-after speaker, author and consultant for companies, software vendors and service providers as well as investors.

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