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CCH Tagetik

What is CCH Tagetik?

Unified platform for financial corporate management (financial consolidation and close; budgeting, planning and forecasting; ESG and regulatory reporting; corporate tax). Supplementary solutions for financial and regulatory use cases (account reconciliation; financial reporting, disclosure management and iXBRL; transaction matching; IFRS 16, IFRS 17; and solvency II) as well as selected operational plans.

BI, Analytics & CPM
● Reporting / Dashboards
● Analysis
– Advanced Analytics
●● Planning
●● Financial Consolidation

= Function covered, ●● = Functional focus

= Function covered
= Functional focus

● Reporting / Dashboards
● Analysis
● Disclosure Management
●● ESG & KPI Management

= Function covered, ●● = Functional focus

= Function covered
= Functional focus

About CCH Tagetik

The information in this section has been provided by the vendor of CCH Tagetik.

Self-description of the vendor

Wolters Kluwer, a global leader in information, software, and services for professionals, delivers the AI-powered CCH® Tagetik Intelligent Platform, the corporate performance management solution designed to digitally transform the efficiency, accuracy, and strategic ability of the Office of the CFO.

CCH Tagetik streamlines financial close and consolidation, financial and operational planning including supply chain planning, ESG and regulatory reporting, and corporate tax including global minimum tax. With state-of-the-art AI functionality, it empowers finance to democratize access to meaningful enterprise data, manage and control massive datasets with unprecedented speed and automation, unlock insights trapped behind the data to ultimately improve and expedite decision making.

CCH Tagetik Financial Close & Consolidation augments the scope, speed, and accuracy of your close. It extends financial close technology – from local closing to group consolidation – to cover new operational dimensions and close-adjacent processes, including account reconciliation, transaction reconciliation, reporting, ESG, global minimum tax and integrated disclosure. Integrated financial intelligence simplifies even complex consolidation processes. Collaboration tools and integrated MS Office ensure team coordination and automatic creation of annual reports, board books and presentations.

CCH Tagetik provides financial and operational planning functions that connect data from different departments and processes. With an unlimited number of dimensions, a powerful allocation engine, rolling forecasts, scenario analysis, intuitive dashboards, workflows and self-service reports, finance can work across the enterprise to plan more transparently, accurately, and efficiently. By combining strategic, financial, and operational planning processes with AI-based predictive intelligence, it rapidly provides companies with more accurate plans and greater insights. Thus, CCH Tagetik enables the execution of strategic objectives through faster, more informed decisions.

CCH Tagetik screenshots

CCH Tagetik videos

Case studies from this vendor

Deutsche Telekom, Douglas, Erste Group, Gieseke & Devrient, Kelvion, Metro AG, Swarovski, Talanx, Unicredit, Vaillant Group, Victorinox
4C Group, drjve, EY, pmOne, PwC, Satriun, SIR Business Consulting, Bluebird, consultnetwork, Valantic Digital Finance

CCH Tagetik User Reviews & Experiences

The information contained in this section is based on user feedback and actual experience with CCH Tagetik.

The information and figures are largely drawn from BARC’s The BI & Analytics Survey, The Planning Survey, The Financial Consolidation Survey and The Data Management Survey. You can find out more about these surveys by clicking on the relevant links.

Summary of user review highlights from CCH Tagetik

What users like about CCH Tagetik and where the product scores best in a user comparison.

Why users buy CCH Tagetik and what problems they have using it

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Individual user reviews for CCH Tagetik

Project manager for planning from IT
Number of employees
100 - 2.500
Invited by the vendor, The Planning Survey 24, 04/2024
What do you like best?

The concept of processes to manage combinations of scenario-period-entity-accounts-diagnostics. The functionality and dynamicity of the Excel add-in (the matrix wizard). The ease of implementation with parameters and little or no scripting. The spreading and breakback functionality in the planning module. The Q&A section on the Tagetik community.

What do you like least/what could be improved?


What key advice would you give to other companies looking to introduce/use the product?

Find an implementation partner with lots of Tagetik experience. No juniors from big-4 firms. Contact reference customers.Take the opportunity to simplify your data model (COA) and monthly submission procedures. Start small and then add more functionality over time.

How would you sum up your experience?

Very good. I now have more than 10 years of hands-on experience with Tagetik. All our users - from Europe to HongKong - are also very satisfied with ease-of-use.

Head of business department
Number of employees
100 - 2.500
Invited by the vendor, The Planning Survey 24, 04/2024
What do you like best?

Wolter Kluwer CCH Tagetik accelerate our close and budget process, we got complete transparency of close or budget process. It's one solution for the entire record-to report process. Close and budget data is used in our planning & forecasting. It's improved our efficiency.

What do you like least/what could be improved?

You have many options and flexibility in the system, which makes it sometimes difficult for end-users to understand.

What key advice would you give to other companies looking to introduce/use the product?

Start small and built on an agile way the system to his end state.

How would you sum up your experience?

Best in class corportate performance mangement system at the moment. On top of innovation.

Project manager for planning from business department
Number of employees
100 - 2.500
Invited by the vendor, The Planning Survey 24, 04/2024
What do you like best?

The ability to create reports visible for every user and create own workflows.

What do you like least/what could be improved?

Better communication of planned software updates.

What key advice would you give to other companies looking to introduce/use the product?

We are a group in constant changing, buying and selling companies. Tagetik has the capability to cover all the exceptions we were experiencing. We would highly recommend Tagetik.

How would you sum up your experience?

We are very satisfied over the whole process - from implementation to the go-live and even after the implementation they are still available for questions or suggestions.

Number of employees
100 - 2.500
BARC Marketing, The Planning Survey 24, 04/2024
What do you like best?

Eine Lösung für alle Anforderungen. Software von Fachexperten entwickelt.

What do you like least/what could be improved?


What key advice would you give to other companies looking to introduce/use the product?

Unter die Motorhaube schauen, nicht von bunten Dashboards und flinken Analysen blenden lassen.

How would you sum up your experience?


Project manager for planning from business department
Number of employees
100 - 2.500
BARC Panel, The Planning Survey 24, 04/2024
What do you like best?


What do you like least/what could be improved?

Pas intuitif.

What key advice would you give to other companies looking to introduce/use the product?

Prendre le temps de s'approprier le produit.

How would you sum up your experience?

Très bon produit.

Line of business employee
Number of employees
More than 2.500
Process industry
Invited by the vendor, The Planning Survey 24, 04/2024
What do you like best?

Durch ein hohes Maß an Zuverlässigkeit und Flexibilität war Tagetik immer das passende Tool, ganz egal um welche Problemstellung es dabei ging. Neue Produkte und Features waren stets eng abgestimmt und passend zu unseren Bedürfnissen.

What do you like least/what could be improved?

What key advice would you give to other companies looking to introduce/use the product?

Es lohnt sich ordentliche Datenstrukturen aufzubauen.

How would you sum up your experience?

Eine enge Zusammenarbeit, die es uns ermöglicht hat, mit dem System und seinen Möglichkeiten kontinuierlich zu wachsen und unsere Aufgabe als Controlling Abteilung besser wahrzunehmen.

Project manager for planning from IT
Number of employees
More than 2.500
Invited by the vendor, The Planning Survey 24, 04/2024
What do you like best?

Le principe de workflow, la flexibilité qui en découle. Le lien avec PowerBI (à venir pour nos restitutions) et les nouvelles briques proposées (offre telle ESG...). Possibilité de volumétrie importante. Les évènements fréquents qui permettent de voir les futures évolutions et de partager avec d'autres utilisateurs.

What do you like least/what could be improved?

Trop nombreuses montées de version (impossibilité de suivre le rythme et donc gros gap à franchir).

What key advice would you give to other companies looking to introduce/use the product?

Prendre un intégrateur qui maitrise l'outil.

How would you sum up your experience?

L'outil est bien perçu en interne et assez évolutif pour suivre nos nouveaux besoins.

Line of business employee
Number of employees
More than 2.500
Invited by the vendor, The Planning Survey 24, 04/2024
What do you like best?

Der hohe Grad an Flexibilität durch den Einsatz des Analytical Information Hubs sowie die enorm starke Verankerung im Fachbereich.

What do you like least/what could be improved?

Fehlende Ad-hoc-Analyse Werkzeuge sowie Planungsfunktionalitäten zur operativen Planung (z.B. zur Treiberplanung).

What key advice would you give to other companies looking to introduce/use the product?

Die Wahl des Implementierungspartners ist sehr wichtig; Referenztermine mit bereits bestehenden Tagetik Kunden vereinbaren (Community Feeling mit großer Hilfsbereitschaft und Wissensaustausch).

How would you sum up your experience?

Äußerst positiv und sehr erfolgreich. Mit der Einführung von Tagetik konnten wir die Qualität unserer Planung deutlich verbessern.

Project manager for planning from business department
Number of employees
More than 2.500
Invited by the vendor, The Planning Survey 24, 04/2024
What do you like best?

The comprehensive planning solutions. Data integration possibilities. Reporting possibilities. Flexible and dynamic.

What do you like least/what could be improved?

N/A. Very satisfied with how it's working.

What key advice would you give to other companies looking to introduce/use the product?

Make sure you create a clear business and implementation plan upfront. It's an excellent tool with many possibilities, sky is the limit, but you need to draw out yourself what you need of course.

How would you sum up your experience?

Simply excellent. It goes beyond the tool itself, also their support team is meeting all (high) expectations.

Member of a cross-departmental BI team
Number of employees
More than 2.500
BARC Panel, The Planning Survey 24, 04/2024
What do you like best?

Workflowsteuerung und damit zusammenhängende User-Guidance.

What do you like least/what could be improved?

Performance bei Verarbeitung großer Datenmengen.

What key advice would you give to other companies looking to introduce/use the product?

Prozessprojekt und Prozessdefinition vor Einführung der Software.

How would you sum up your experience?

Hohe Flexibilität, dadurch bei steigendem Umfang hohe Komplexität mit hohem Aufwand.

Line of business employee
Number of employees
More than 2.500
BARC Panel, The Planning Survey 24, 04/2024
What do you like best?

The people, the continuous innovation.

What do you like least/what could be improved?

They are more corporate once Wolters Kluwer acquired them

What key advice would you give to other companies looking to introduce/use the product?

Select a good partner and project manager. Write out the requirements, design, and planning.

How would you sum up your experience?

I'm very happy with CCH Tagetik.

Survey Information
Number of reviews for CCH Tagetik
Reviewed versions
Planning Survey 24: V3 5%, V5 95%; Consolidation Survey 24: 100% V5
Peer groups in the survey
Large/Enterprise-Wide Implementations, Products for Planning, Budgeting & Forecasting, Integrated Products for Planning and Financial Consolidation, Worldwide Implementations
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