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insightsoftware IDL

What is insightsoftware IDL?

Integrated financial performance management platform for financial consolidation, financial planning, operational planning, management reporting, regulatory reporting and analysis.

BI, Analytics & CPM
● Reporting / Dashboards
● Analysis
– Advanced Analytics
●● Planning
●● Financial Consolidation

= Function covered, ●● = Functional focus

= Function covered
= Functional focus

About insightsoftware IDL

Self-description of the vendor

No vendor self-description available
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No data available

insightsoftware IDL User Reviews & Experiences

The information contained in this section is based on user feedback and actual experience with insightsoftware IDL.

The information and figures are largely drawn from BARC’s The BI & Analytics Survey, The Planning Survey, The Financial Consolidation Survey and The Data Management Survey. You can find out more about these surveys by clicking on the relevant links.

Why users buy insightsoftware IDL and what problems they have using it

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Individual user reviews for insightsoftware IDL

Line of business employee
Number of employees
Less than 100
Invited by the vendor, The Planning Survey 24, 04/2024
What do you like best?

Fachberatung und logisches Arbeiten.

What do you like least/what could be improved?

Einige Funktionen, die immer wieder manuell angestoßen werden müssen.

What key advice would you give to other companies looking to introduce/use the product?

How would you sum up your experience?

Gute Erfahrungen.

Number of employees
100 - 2.500
Invited by the vendor, The Planning Survey 24, 04/2024
What do you like best?

Wenig Schnickschnack. Direktes Zusammenspiel mit den IST-Daten der Konsolidierung.

What do you like least/what could be improved?

Die Oberfläche, die manchmal etwas komplexe Handhabung, die technisch-fachliche Beratung in der Verfügbarkeit.

What key advice would you give to other companies looking to introduce/use the product?

Nicht ohne XLS-Link arbeiten und wenn irgendwie möglich, die geplanten Termine einhalten, da kurzfristige Verschiebungen so gut wie nicht möglich sind. Unser Berater war jedenfalls eigentlich immer 3-4 Wochen im Voraus verplant.

How would you sum up your experience?

Software läuft und macht aktuell das, was wir wollten. Fachliche Beratung sehr gut, wenn man einen Termin bekommt. Antwortgeschwindigkeit des Supports sollte verbessert werden. In Summe: Kann man gut mit arbeiten.

Head of business department
Number of employees
100 - 2.500
Invited by the vendor, The Planning Survey 24, 04/2024
What do you like best?

It is functional.

What do you like least/what could be improved?

Integration, scalability with effective price.

What key advice would you give to other companies looking to introduce/use the product?

Get training but consider other options first.

How would you sum up your experience?

It is basic, and we need to understand how to use it better. We've not had enough support and encouragement to do this.

Line of business employee
Number of employees
100 - 2.500
Invited by the vendor, The Planning Survey 24, 04/2024
What do you like best?

Flexibel & schnell anpassbar

What do you like least/what could be improved?

Kaum Innovation.

What key advice would you give to other companies looking to introduce/use the product?

How would you sum up your experience?

Alles soweit in Ordnung.

Head of business department
Number of employees
100 - 2.500
Building trade
Invited by the vendor, The Planning Survey 24, 04/2024
What do you like best?

Konsolidierungslösung. Integration der verschiedenen Module (Cockpit, Publisher, Designer, Konsis).

What do you like least/what could be improved?

Bei Buttom-Up-Planung je Kostenstelle und Kostenart fehlen die Szenario-Rechnungen im IDL Cockpit (auf GuV Ebene)

What key advice would you give to other companies looking to introduce/use the product?

Konzept muss vorliegen.

How would you sum up your experience?

Grundsätzlich gut. Seit der Fusion mit der insightsoftware sehr viele unterschiedliche Ansprechpartner.

Survey Information
Number of reviews for insightsoftware IDL
Reviewed versions
Planning Survy 24: C8 17%, V22 22%, V23 61%; Consolidation Survey 24: 20% V21, 53% V22, 27% V23
Peer groups in the survey
Midsize/Departmental Implementations, Products for Planning, Budgeting & Forecasting, Integrated Products for Planning and Financial Consolidation
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