What is Lucanet?
Integrated software portfolio for financial performance management with solutions for financial consolidation and close, financial planning and budgeting, financial and legal reporting, ESG, tax and additional financial management topics.
- Lucanet functions (BARC classification)
● = Function covered, ●● = Functional focus
● = Function covered
●● = Functional focus
● = Function covered, ●● = Functional focus
● = Function covered
●● = Functional focus
About Lucanet
The information in this section has been provided by the vendor of Lucanet.
Self-description of the vendor
At Lucanet, we’re not just building software. We’re building confidence, driving growth, and empowering the office of the CFO to lead with ease.
Lucanet is the CFO Solution Platform built for modern finance leaders to automate financial consolidation and planning, disclosure management including ESG reporting, lease accounting, and tax compliance and reporting.
Lucanet videos
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Lucanet BARC Review & Rating
This section contains our independent analyst views on Lucanet.
Provider and product description
Founded in 1999, LucaNet is a German vendor with a focus on CPM for finance including tax and financial disclosure management solutions. The company is headquartered in Berlin with additional offices in Europe, Asia and the United States. LucaNet has over 5,000 customers in 50 countries worldwide and employs more than 800 people. In 2022, Hg acquired a majority stake in LucaNet to support the company’s growth and ambition to become a global leader. In 2022 and 2023, LucaNet itself acquired its long-term partner Amana (with solutions for taxation, disclosure management, XBRL and leasing) and ementexx (digital banking and cash management software).
LucaNet’s software portfolio comprises end-to-end solutions for the office of the CFO including consolidation, financial planning and budgeting, financial and legal reporting, ESG reporting, tax and additional financial management topics, which can be used in any combination. LucaNet offers an automated financial close solution including financial consolidation, data collection and validation, intercompany reconciliation and disclosure management, supported by workflow management tools. All products are targeted at business users and are based on a proprietary, multidimensional, in-memory database (LucaNet.Financial OLAP Server). The database provides a predefined data model with intertwined business rules for establishing an integrated financial planning model and creating consolidated financial statements. Using the same logic, it is possible to compare planned versus actual data dynamically and at group level. LucaNet.Importer provides a variety of predefined connectors to common ERP and financial accounting systems. It is also possible to collect and validate data via a web interface, including an intercompany reconciliation. In the latest versions of LucaNet, the vendor has functionally enhanced the product’s rich client and web client, modernized the user interface and user experience, and improved the integration of its acquired products.
LucaNet software is based on Java and offers both cloud (leveraging Amazon Web Services) and on-premises options. The cloud services possess all the necessary ISO certifications. Building LucaNet as a real software-as-a-service (SaaS) platform with all the functionality available in the web is a strategic goal for the vendor.
In addition to LucaNet’s core capabilities, an integrated development environment called ‘Script Designer’ offers functionality to design individual forms, calculation rules and applications. Using Script Designer, LucaNet provides standardized apps for financial solutions (e.g., IFRS 16) and operational planning scenarios that can be used to feed the vendor’s inherent financial planning model. However, operational planning is not the focus of the solution. Apps can be adapted to customer-specific needs and requirements.
For reporting and analysis, LucaNet offers an Excel add-in, but third-party offerings such as Microsoft Power BI or others may also be used. The platform’s open architecture allows these front ends to access the LucaNet.Financial OLAP Server and/or LucaNet Financial Warehouse (usually based on Microsoft SQL Server or Oracle) including the hierarchies, structures and values. For disclosure management, ESEF reporting and ESG reporting requirements, LucaNet offers a fully integrated proprietary software solution, acquired with the Amana takeover.
Strengths and challenges of Lucanet
BARC’s viewpoint on the product’s strengths and challenges.
- Business-user-oriented and certified (IDW PS 880) CPM platform for integrated financial management of individual subsidiaries or at group level. LucaNet’s software portfolio comprises solutions for financial consolidation and close, financial planning and budgeting, financial and legal reporting, ESG, tax and additional financial management topics.
- Integrated financial management capabilities with extensive predefined business rules. The product is essentially a CPM platform (particularly for financial consolidation and close) with complementary and tightly integrated financial planning functionality. Its planning functionality is geared towards LucaNet’s consolidation logic.
- Supplementary prebuilt but adaptable apps for financial solutions (e.g., IFRS 16) and industry solutions.
- LucaNet received excellent customer feedback for its business value, customer satisfaction, and the planning content and financial consolidation functionality it provides as well as for its predefined data connectivity and data integration into the product’s proprietary multidimensional database. The vendor offers a strong collection of more than 300 (partially certified) connectors to ERP and financial accounting systems with semantic support including drill-down functionality (e.g., SAP ERP, SAP S/4HANA, Microsoft Dynamics, DATEV, Sage, etc.).
- Operational planning is not the primary focus of the solution and user feedback shows that some customers would prefer greater flexibility for operational planning. For complex requirements, a tool-linking approach with additional third-party products may be necessary, which LucaNet supports through its open architecture and integration capabilities.
- Limited functionality for individual reporting and analysis via Excel add-in. However, proprietary LucaNet OLAP cubes can be accessed by third-party analytics front ends using XMLA or can be replicated in a standard database management system.
- Creation of complex individual apps with LucaNet’s integrated development environment is more technical and script-based so may require consulting support from implementation partners.
- While LucaNet continues to develop a new web client that will replace the rich client, the functionality of the web client is still limited compared to the rich client (e.g., no administration). The new web client currently focuses on the visualization and analysis of data. Functional enhancements will be published in upcoming releases.
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Lucanet User Reviews & Experiences
The information contained in this section is based on user feedback and actual experience with Lucanet.
The information and figures are largely drawn from BARC’s The BI & Analytics Survey, The Planning Survey, The Financial Consolidation Survey and The Data Management Survey. You can find out more about these surveys by clicking on the relevant links.
Summary of user review highlights from Lucanet
What users like about Lucanet and where the product scores best in a user comparison.
Who uses Lucanet in a planning context and how
Who uses Lucanet in a financial consolidation context and how
Why users buy Lucanet and what problems they have using it
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Individual user reviews for Lucanet
Number of employees
What do you like best?
Schnelle Einführung. In relativ kurzer Zeit sind erste Ergebnisse zu erzielen.
What do you like least/what could be improved?
App für Handy oder Tablet ist überfällig; Oberfläche wirkt antiquiert; Webversion nur über neues Lizenz Modell nutzbar; ESG-Funktionalität sollte auch ohne Zusatzsoftware möglich sein. Lucanet-Formel müsste auch in MS Word nutzbar sein. Einsatz von KI/AI für Forecast/ Planung.
What key advice would you give to other companies looking to introduce/use the product?
Hier muss man unterscheiden. ob man mit LucaNet direkt die Einführung machen möchte oder ob man einen Dienstleister dafür nutzt. Wir haben die Einführung direkt über LucaNet gemacht und sind zufrieden damit. Wir hatten ebenfalls Gespräche mit KPMG für die Einführung. Hier hätte man sicherlich etwas mehr fachlichen Background gehabt. Jedoch haben wir uns hier für die deutlich günstigere Variante entschieden und haben es nicht bereut. Der Preisunterschied hätte dies nicht gerechtfertigt. Ich empfehle bei größeren Einführungen Termine vor Ort zu machen.
How would you sum up your experience?
Rundum eine gelungene und zügige Einführung.
Number of employees
What do you like best?
It is a really financial oriented solution. IT skills are not needed.
What do you like least/what could be improved?
What key advice would you give to other companies looking to introduce/use the product?
Select a partner with real experience not just in LucaNet but also in financial planning process.
How would you sum up your experience?
I think LucaNet is the top FPM solution in the market.
Number of employees
What do you like best?
Einfache Struktur, einfache Einarbeitung der Mitarbeiter.
What do you like least/what could be improved?
Leider ist der Support nicht oder kaum noch telefonisch erreichbar.
What key advice would you give to other companies looking to introduce/use the product?
Gute Schnittstellen zum ERP-/Vorsystem.
How would you sum up your experience?
Bisher gut, auch vorherige Arbeitgeber hatten das System, daher habe ich dies in jetzigen Unternehmen vorangetrieben. Ich arbeite ausschließlich bei der Planung / dem Forecast mit Excel - die Schnittstelle ist super - da mir Buchungen in LucaNet zu unübersichtlich und für spätere Nachfragen nicht nachvollziehbar sind. Inzwischen habe ich eine Vielzahl von Excelwerkzeugen zum Import und Export geschaffen.
Number of employees
What do you like best?
Flexibilität. Selbstständige Zusammenstellung von Reporting-Schemen. Schnelle Berechnungsprozesse. Import/Export-Funktionen. Übersichtlichkeit.
What do you like least/what could be improved?
Vereinfachung Skripte / Datenimporte.
What key advice would you give to other companies looking to introduce/use the product?
Planungsprozesse überdenken / optimieren. Datenstrukturen bereinigen. Reportingmappen vorab genau definieren, da diese selbst aufzubauen sind in LucaNet.
How would you sum up your experience?
Viel gelernt über Datenstrukturen und Abhängigkeiten von Daten. Beim Einführen größerer Zeitaufwand aber später im Einsatz viel Effizienz und Schnelligkeit in Prozessen und Analysen gewonnen.
Number of employees
What do you like best?
Sehr einfach in der Einführung und Pflege. Intuitive Bedienung der Anwendung, kurzer Lernprozess.
What do you like least/what could be improved?
What key advice would you give to other companies looking to introduce/use the product?
Einfach machen.
How would you sum up your experience?
Schnell und einfach das beste Ergebnis.
Number of employees
What do you like best?
Gute Performance. Schnittstellen.
What do you like least/what could be improved?
Teilweise umständliche Eingabe. Planungstool könnte mehr Funktionen haben. Group Report zu häufig notwendig.
What key advice would you give to other companies looking to introduce/use the product?
Übernehmen Sie nicht zu viele alte Daten, insbesondere wenn sich die Konzernstruktur oder die Anzahlen der Sachkonten/Kostenstellen zwischenzeitlich merklich geändert hat.
How would you sum up your experience?
Insgesamt schnelle Implementierung, wenig Fehler aber Schulung notwendig und Self-Service ausbaubar (liegt aber auch an fehlender Kapazität beim Kunden).
Number of employees
What do you like best?
Flexibilität und Unabhängigkeit des Anwenders. Hervorragender Support. Angemessene Informationen über Neuerungen (keine E-Mail-Flut).
What do you like least/what could be improved?
Häufigerer Kontakt zum Vertrieb bzgl. Neuerungen oder Ermittlung individueller Optimierungsmöglichkeiten.
What key advice would you give to other companies looking to introduce/use the product?
How would you sum up your experience?
Die beste Entscheidung um ein Ergänzungstool zum Buchhaltungsprogramm für Planung/Reporting und Konsolidierung zu haben.
Number of employees
What do you like best?
Flexibility and speed.
What do you like least/what could be improved?
Additional apps / multiple layers looking similar - sometimes not easy to understand the links between the various data layers.
What key advice would you give to other companies looking to introduce/use the product?
Make a good assessment of the structure and process for data collection.
How would you sum up your experience?
Very good - I've been working with it in previous companies, it is the easiest and fastest software for this purpose.
Number of employees
What do you like best?
Sehr intuitive und schnell zu implementierenden Konsolidierungssoftware.
What do you like least/what could be improved?
Dimensionenmodell ist noch stark begrenzt.
What key advice would you give to other companies looking to introduce/use the product?
How would you sum up your experience?
Wir arbeiten sehr gut und gerne mit LucaNet zusammen.
Number of employees
What do you like best?
Flexibel, einfach, transparent, übersichtlich, logisch.
What do you like least/what could be improved?
Eigentlich keine weiteren Ansprüche. Geplant ist die BI-Integration für 2024.
What key advice would you give to other companies looking to introduce/use the product?
Nicht länger zu warten.
How would you sum up your experience?
Unsere Anwender sind sehr zufrieden und die komplexen Planungs- und/oder Konsolidierungsaufgaben können effektiv und effizient erledigt werden.
Number of employees
What do you like best?
Intuitiv und flexibel. Sehr guter persönlicher Kontakt
What do you like least/what could be improved?
Technischer Support nicht immer erreichbar. Operative Planungsmöglichkeiten sind deutlich verbesserbar.
What key advice would you give to other companies looking to introduce/use the product?
Fokus auf Finanzplanung.
How would you sum up your experience?
Alles in allem sehr gut.
Number of employees
What do you like best?
Anwenderfreundlichkeit und Schnittstellen.
What do you like least/what could be improved?
Neues Pricing-System.
What key advice would you give to other companies looking to introduce/use the product?
„Learning by doing“: Bauen Sie die Strukturen etc. selbst auf und sammeln Sie so wertvolle Erfahrung im Umgang mit LucaNet.
How would you sum up your experience?
Eine der, wenn nicht sogar die beste Software-Entscheidungen im Finanzbereich unseres Unternehmens in den letzten 10 Jahren.
Number of employees
What do you like best?
Stabilität im Ladeprozess und das standardisierte Reporting.
What do you like least/what could be improved?
Flexible Analytik ist kaum möglich. Die Bedienung im Unterbau ist etwas umständlich und starr.
What key advice would you give to other companies looking to introduce/use the product?
How would you sum up your experience?
Alles in allem ist es ein gutes Tool zu einem fairen Preis.
Number of employees
What do you like best?
LucaNet ermöglicht einen schnellen Einstieg mit Echtdaten aus dem eigenen ERP-System. Vorlagen für Bilanz/ GuV/ Kapitalflussrechnung sind vorhanden.
What do you like least/what could be improved?
Es wäre schön, wenn mehr Augenmerk auf die Bilanzplanung gelegt wird. Ein Standardformular dafür ist zwar vorgesehen, jedoch ist es relativ umständlich. Ebenso sind Umlagen in LucaNet, ähnlich der im SAP, nicht möglich. Eine Sonderprogrammierung führt bei LucaNet leider zu monatlich bleibenden Kosten und nicht zu Einmalkosten, die das Projekt umfassen.
What key advice would you give to other companies looking to introduce/use the product?
LucaNet ist ein einfaches Planungstool, welches zu einem guten Preis am Markt zu erwerben ist. Jedoch ist LucaNet nicht für jede Firma etwas. Für komplexere Systeme, die entsprechend teurer sind, empfehle ich eine andere Planungssoftware. Für die reine Konsolidierung ist LucaNet aber empfehlenswert.
How would you sum up your experience?
Das Einführungsprojekt und auch der Support bis zur finalen Einführung lief reibungslos. Bisher war jeder Mitarbeiter seitens LucaNet stets entgegenkommend und hat sehr gute Arbeit geleistet.
Number of employees
What do you like best?
Bedienung, hohe Standardisierung.
What do you like least/what could be improved?
Planungsfunktionalitäten nicht mehr State of the Art
What key advice would you give to other companies looking to introduce/use the product?
Den richtigen Partner wählen.
How would you sum up your experience?
Sehr zufrieden.
Number of employees
What do you like best?
Wenn sich jemand damit auseinandersetzt, kann viel damit erreicht werden und auch Prozesse verkürzt werden. Jedoch braucht es eine Unterstützung seitens Lucanet. Teilweise fehlt dies, aber auch durch den Personalwechsel beim Anwender. Vieles wird einfachheitshalber manuell gebucht, obwohl Lucanet eine automatisierte Software ist. Die Benutzeroberfläche ist wirklich super, Daten können schnell geholt werden und falls die automatische Verbuchung läuft, dann spart es auch viel Zeit.
What do you like least/what could be improved?
Allenfalls ein Video oder Webvideo mit den Futures zur Verfügung stellen, wo alles genau und schön erklärt wird.
What key advice would you give to other companies looking to introduce/use the product?
Schulungsunterlagen und Videos für neue Mitarbeiter vorbereiten.
How would you sum up your experience?
Sehr gute Erfahrung, bei Problemen kann man sich immer an jemanden wenden.