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SAP Analytics Cloud

What is SAP Analytics Cloud?

Integrated business-user-friendly platform for enterprise planning and BI with embedded capabilities for augmented analytics and application design. Comprehensive capabilities for implementing custom planning applications with supporting workflow and collaboration functionality.

BI, Analytics & CPM
● Reporting / Dashboards
●● Analysis
– Advanced Analytics
●● Planning
– Financial Consolidation

= Function covered, ●● = Functional focus

= Function covered
= Functional focus

About SAP Analytics Cloud

Self-description of the vendor

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SAP Analytics Cloud User Reviews & Experiences

The information contained in this section is based on user feedback and actual experience with SAP Analytics Cloud.

The information and figures are largely drawn from BARC’s The BI & Analytics Survey, The Planning Survey, The Financial Consolidation Survey and The Data Management Survey. You can find out more about these surveys by clicking on the relevant links.

Why users buy SAP Analytics Cloud and what problems they have using it

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Individual user reviews for SAP Analytics Cloud

Number of employees
Less than 100
BARC Panel, The Planning Survey 24, 04/2024
What do you like best?

Eine recht moderne Oberfläche für SAP-Verhältnisse.

What do you like least/what could be improved?

Manche Reporting-Ansätze nur über Umwege möglich.

What key advice would you give to other companies looking to introduce/use the product?

How would you sum up your experience?

Die Erfahrungen mit der SAC Cloud sind positiv, auch wenn die Lösungen teilweise ihre Grenzen haben.

Line of business employee
Number of employees
100 - 2.500
BARC Panel, The Planning Survey 24, 04/2024
What do you like best?

Cloudbasiert, häufige Updates, relativ schnelle Zugriffszeiten.

What do you like least/what could be improved?

Teilweise starrer Standard, Abweichungsanalysen z. T. unzureichend.

What key advice would you give to other companies looking to introduce/use the product?

How would you sum up your experience?

Ein gutes Tool, das sich allerdings noch das eine oder andere von der Konkurrenz abschauen kann - v. a. hinsichtlich der Flexibilität.

Project manager for planning from IT
Number of employees
100 - 2.500
BARC Panel, The Planning Survey 24, 04/2024
What do you like best?

Kombination aus Predictive Analytics und Planungsszenarien.

What do you like least/what could be improved?

Die Preisgestaltung (Lizenzen).

What key advice would you give to other companies looking to introduce/use the product?

Die Zeit nicht unterschätzen.

How would you sum up your experience?

Derzeit noch im Einführungsstadium. Aber die nächsten Schritte sind vielversprechend.

Member of a cross-departmental BI team
Number of employees
BARC Marketing, The Planning Survey 24, 04/2024
What do you like best?

Excellent SAP landscape integration. Frequent new functionalities thanks to quarterly releases and investment from vendor. Currently most of the main data visualization are available, even without using custom widgets or R. Powerful top/down reporting possibilities when combined with an SAP data warehouse. Compared to previous tools in the organization, it is very easy to onboard new app/dashboard creators, reducing bottlenecks within the organization for such topics.

What do you like least/what could be improved?

The frequent addition of new features is sometimes at cost of bug fixing. A short pause for a thorough code cleanup would be useful. While using the standard planning functionality is at acceptable performance level, leveraging the advanced features seems to be impacting performance. This leads to doubts regarding the scalability of the tool for very complex scenarios. The self-service features regarding data-wrangling are still far away from the possibilities some concurrent offer.

What key advice would you give to other companies looking to introduce/use the product?

We are currently scaling-up from a planning scenario complexity perspective and it would be my advice to be able to keep the performance topic under control.

How would you sum up your experience?

In general, very good. With the proper reliability tweaks regarding performance and minor (but irritating) bugs, companies highly relying on SAP tools should be very happy with the functionalities in both dashboarding and planning.

Number of employees
BARC Panel, The Planning Survey 24, 04/2024
What do you like best?

Software as a Service (Saas), Planning and Analytics in one product.

What do you like least/what could be improved?

Data Wrangling - requires a lot of changes to make it more user-friendly and functionality working.

What key advice would you give to other companies looking to introduce/use the product?

Do not underestimate planning on SAP Analytics Cloud.

How would you sum up your experience?

Quite good - improving each quarter with the quarterly updates.

Number of employees
BARC Panel, The Planning Survey 24, 04/2024
What do you like best?

Easy interface, solid backend, compatibility with other SAP solutions.

What do you like least/what could be improved?


What key advice would you give to other companies looking to introduce/use the product?

Plan extra time for testing, customization and training.

How would you sum up your experience?


Project manager for planning from IT
Number of employees
BARC Panel, The Planning Survey 24, 04/2024
What do you like best?

Innovatives, einfach zu nutzendes Produkt mit sehr guter Integration Richtung anderer SAP-Produkte.

What do you like least/what could be improved?

Der SAP-Support ist sehr zäh

What key advice would you give to other companies looking to introduce/use the product?

Frontendstrategie muss stehen.

How would you sum up your experience?

Sehr gut.

IT employee
Number of employees
BARC Panel, The Planning Survey 24, 04/2024
What do you like best?

User Interface, SAP-Konnektivität.

What do you like least/what could be improved?

SAP Support, Performance.

What key advice would you give to other companies looking to introduce/use the product?

Sich nicht von den SAP Marketing Folien blenden lassen und vorher mit Firmen reden, die es bereits implementiert haben.

How would you sum up your experience?


Line of business employee
Number of employees
BARC Panel, The Planning Survey 24, 04/2024
What do you like best?

Integration von mehreren Planungsmodellen / Self-Service für den Fachbereich (Dashboards, Storys).

What do you like least/what could be improved?

Starrer Aufbau der Reports (wenig Flexibilität).

What key advice would you give to other companies looking to introduce/use the product?

Fachliche Planungsprozesse mit Vorlauf ausprägen, am besten mit einem (erfahrenen, herstellerunabhängigen) Beratungsunternehmen. Projekt mit Change-Management begleiten und Änderungen im Mindset unterstützen - ansonsten Gefahr der Übertragung bisheriger Prozesse 1:1 in das neue Tool mit der Folge, Mehrwerte nicht zu realisieren und Unzufriedenheit bei den Anwendern zu erzeugen. Wenn Warten eine Option ist, sollten weitere Releasestände (die signifikante Features/Mehrwerte bringen dürften) abgewartet werden.

How would you sum up your experience?

Im Moment befinden wir uns in einer Umstiegsphase, in der sukzessive von der bisherigen Individualentwicklung auf die Standardsoftware SAC umgestellt wird (=> hybride Systemwelt). Deshalb fällt eine abschließende Bewertung noch schwer. Langfristig kann aber davon ausgegangen werden, dass die SAC - in Kombination mit einem ERP unter S/4HANA - zu verbesserten Planungsergebnissen (höhere Qualität, kürzere Zyklen, Aufwandsreduzierung) führen wird.

Survey Information
Number of reviews for SAP Analytics Cloud
Reviewed versions
100% Cloud
Peer groups in the survey
Large/Enterprise-Wide Implementations, Products for Planning, Budgeting & Forecasting, Integrated Products for Planning and BI & Analytics, Worldwide Implementations
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