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Data Culture Podcast

Trends in AI – with Alexander Thamm

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AI has gone from being a topic that required proof of concept to being a „FOMO“ phenomenon.

In this episode, host Carsten Bange sits down with Alexander Thamm, a leader in the data and AI consultancy space for an in-depth discussion on the rapid evolution of artificial intelligence. They explore the latest trends in AI and set the stage for the DATA festival, which they are co-hosting.
The discussion covers Gen.AI’s impact and AI regulation, from proactive adoption to cautious readiness across companies. The concept of the data mesh is also explored, advocating for decentralized and federated governance, which promises to revolutionize AI governance from within.
In closing, they ponder AI’s future towards commoditization and its potential to reshape the data landscape.

Join our event DATA festival #online on November 14 – 15, where we talk about all things AI and data analytics – all at no cost! Secure your spot today for a festival of knowledge that takes your understanding of AI and data to the next level.

Alex Thamm on LinkedIn.
Carsten Bange on LinkedIn.
Follow BARC on LinkedIn.

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Die DATA Party geht weiter!
Das DATA festival #online kommt am 13. November zurück!
Zwei Tage lang dreht sich wieder alles um die nutzbringende Anwendung von Daten & künstlicher Intelligenz und wie wir damit unsere digitale Zukunft gestalten können. Die Teilnahme ist kostenlos.

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