Data Culture Podcast

How to succeed with D&A in small and medium sized enterprises – with Divya Bokaria, Zattoo

In dieser Folge spricht Carsten mit Divya Bokaria, Head of Data & Analytics bei Zattoo. Sie teilt ihre Erfahrungen darüber, wie kleine und mittelständische Unternehmen einen Mehrwert aus Daten schaffen können.

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In today’s podcast episode, Carsten talks to Divya Bokaria, Head of Data and Analytics at Zattoo, a TV streaming company. Not only has she been working in the data field for about 12 years now, but she is also one of the DATA festival committee members. She shares many experiences with us on how small and medium-sized companies in particular can create value from data. Furthermore, she has some practical tips for us on how to bring decision makers as well as all other employees along on the data journey.

Follow Carsten Bange and BARC on LinkedIn.

Connect with Divya Bokharia on LinkedIn.

Join the DATA festival #online in November 2023. Get your ticket here!

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