The Data Mesh Concept at Zalando

Dr. Alexander Borek is Head of Data Analytics at Zalando SE and a DATA festival committee member from day one. In the following video-interview, DATA festival Founder Alex Thamm had the chance to talk with Alex about the Data Mesh Concept at Zalando.

When asked what is exciting for him at the moment, Alex B. answers:

“The one thing that is really intriguing to me is the realisation of the concept of data mesh. We all know it as kind of a buzzword but Zalando is working hard on bringing it to live. It is a really powerful concept. We had data teams almost like a blocker between the people who produce and the people who consume the data. With the data mesh concept we are an enabler of dared interaction between consumers and producers. That is incredibly powerful not only as a concept but having really people and communities interact with each other. It`s a different motivation to collaborate”.

Watch the interview here:


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Overview of the questions Alex T. asks Alex B.:

  • Working at Zalando for one year now – what is exciting for you at the moment?
  • How do you define “Data Mesh”? What do you think is rather buzzy and what is the core?
  • Can you explain “Compliance by Design”? Is it a concept or is it a part of the Data Mesh that you are building?
  • When you look at the producer’s site and where they can describe their data, there is still a lot of room for improvement. So do you have an example what you are doing for the producer-site to make it more fun to document for example meta data?
  • Why is it exciting to work for Zalando?
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