How can you measure the P&L impact of AI products?

Dr. Holger Kömm is a DATA festival committee member from day one. As Senior Director Advanced Analytics he has held important roles in data, analytics & AI at adidas over the last years. Since 2022 he has been working as Expert Associate Partner at Bain & Company.

In the following video-inteview with DATA festival founder Carsten he gives interesting insights on his work at adidas and their Data & Analytics Strategy 2025. He also explains how he defines to measure the P&L impact of AI products. How important it is to have trust in the team that develops the product and the perception of their works value.

Watch the interview here:


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Overview of the questions Carsten asks Holger:

  • Why do you think that learning from and networking with each other is so important in our industry?
  • What is your role at adidas? What are your challenges there?
  • How can you measure the P&L impact of AI products? Can you attribute / claim it to yourself?
  • Can you also measure it when it’s part of a bigger improvement or a bigger change?
  • In the retrospective, would your career, your way, be a recommendation for junior data scientists?
  • What technology or use case did fascinate you over the last years?

In September 2021 we streamed the DATA festival #online from our studio in Würzburg, supported by our committee members. We took the chance to have a personal talk with each one of them on actual Data, Analytics & AI topics and their actual challenges according to these. You will find all interviews here in our blog. Stay tuned.

DATA festival #Munich: wAIt no more!
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