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How Zattoo creates value with data

Zattoo is one of the leading TV streaming providers in Europe with more than 3 million monthly users. The range of programs includes more than 260 TV channels. Since 2012, Zattoo is also operating its own B2B business, making its technology available to media companies and network operators worldwide as an international TV-as-a-service platform.

All of this happens online. And all of this causes data. How much data? Well, this is one of the questions that DATA festival founder Alexander Thamm asks Divya Bokaria in the following interview. Divya is Head of Data at Zattoo and since 2021 she is a committee member of the DATA festival. She is really passionate in working with data and is always focused on creating value with it.

“It’s fun!”, says Divya describing her work. “We can use all the data to find out what the users are watching, when they are watching, or where they are watching. What was the most poplar show yesterday or what was the most popular device? But also to understand how pandemic is affecting us or how seasonality is affecting us. That’s super cool because the data is huge and there’s a lot of potential in analyzing trends and working with data products to feed it back to the products. In B2C as well as in B2B.”, Divya continues to reveal.

Watch the interview here:


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Overview of the questions Alex asks Divya:

  • What is your passion about data and why did you choose to join us in the DATA festival committee?
  • How much Data are you producing in a day?
  • Do you rather keep the metadata of the shows?
  • Is Zattoo more a platform for the broadcasters or what is your core business?
  • How would your B2B customers use the platform?
  • So you’ve also become a platform for TV specific AI use cases?
  • Is your recommender better than the one from Netflix, or do you even compare yourself to them?
  • How can AI and machine learning play a role for your value proposition?

In September 2021 we streamed the DATA festival #online from our studio in Würzburg, supported by our committee members. We took the chance to have a personal talk with each one of them on actual Data, Analytics & AI topics and their actual challenges according to these. You will find all interviews here in our blog. Stay tuned.

Die DATA Party geht weiter!
Das DATA festival #online kommt am 19. und 20. November zurück!
Zwei Tage lang dreht sich wieder alles um die nutzbringende Anwendung von Daten & künstlicher Intelligenz und wie wir damit unsere digitale Zukunft gestalten können. Die Teilnahme ist kostenlos.

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