Power of ChatGPT: How this AI Language Model is changing the future of communication

Artificial intelligence has revolutionized the world in many ways, and one of the most exciting developments is in the field of natural language processing. ChatGPT, a powerful language model based on GPT-3 architecture, is leading the charge in this field, showing the incredible potential of AI-powered communication. With its immense power and flexibility, ChatGPT is changing the way we interact with each other and the world around us, paving the way for a more efficient and effective future. In this blog post, we are speaking with Jörg Bienert, CPO at Alexander Thamm GmbH and chairman of the German AI Association about the topic.

The German AI Association is also a special partner of the DATA festival and was started by Jörg 5 years ago together with other colleagues to promote the use and knowledge of AI. 
“Back in 2018, it wasn’t a topic that was on the table for many companies.(…) Especially not on the table for politics!” Today, things look different. As an association, they have helped implement the German government’s AI strategy, among other things, and are advocating for AI regulation in Europe.

AI is already a part of our daily live

The fact that ChatGPT is more than suitable for everyday use can be seen in the way children handle it. “Schoolkids have learned to use ChatGPT for their homework.” Jörg also adds: “It was the fastest growing service with 1 Mio User within 2 months. Even faster than other popular services, like TikTok.” Around 25% of the German population already uses ChatGPT in their everyday lives. 
Companies have also understood that the use of ChatGPT and other Large Language Models is important for their business.

The changes in companies through ChatGPT 

“We will see changes in every part of the industry and every value chane.” Jörg compares the resulting change to the introduction of the iPhone, which changed an entire market. He also sees 3 areas of use in companies for Large Language Models in particular: 

#1: Providing employees with an interface to get important internal information quickly. 
#2: Bringing the capabilities of generating AI into internal processes and connecting it to existing databases, data lakes, etc. 
#3: (which will be next level) Using it for communication with the customers and external users in the form of chatbots. 

“We will see an enormous increase in efficiency in all areas of corporate processes.” Jörg is certain. 

What does ChatGPT have to do with Internet search behavior? 

Jörg believes that ChatGPT has already changed the search behavior of many. 
Most search engines today live on advertising, so the big question here is: how will this revenue issue be handled in the future? There are already some approaches to this that will be discussed. 
Because of ChatGPT, there will also be new business models that we cannot foresee today. “It will be normal for Startups to use generated AI to make a business out of it.” 

Importance of AI in Europe 

As is so often the case, Germany is lagging behind the large American corporations in the transition of the newly generated AI systems. “We have to enable the German research community and the German cooperations to train and use these generated AI models.” 
After all, the aim is to become more independent of major providers, like Microsoft. This is where the German AI association comes in. For Jörg, one thing is certain: “It’s important to democratize this powerful technology!” 
It is necessary that European companies learn to deal with this and also train the Large Language Models so that they maintain European values and standards. 

Do AI and ChatGPT promote fake news? 

Jörg cautions that we should be aware that ChatGPT’s answers are not always correct. Automatically generated content makes it increasingly difficult to tell whether it is true or not. 
“With ChatGPT it’s easier to produce fake content on a very high scale! (…) People have to think about the content that is produced there if it’s reliable.” 

That’s why two things are important to Jörg: 

#1: tag automatically generated content by a watermark or other technical measures. 
#2: educate people on the technology and its benefits but also about the drawbacks. 

But again, in his opinion, it’s the same as when Google first launched. Users have also become accustomed to questioning things and dealing with them today. 

It is also necessary that even the youngest children in school learn how to use ChatGPT and other models so that they know their way around. 

You can find the complete interview with Jörg Bienert here:


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