Q&A for the BARC „Top 15 Service Providers for D&A“

Q&A for the BARC "Top 15 Service Providers for D&A"

Where can I look into last years results?

Find the 2022 insights in these posts:

Which content will be part of the 2023er series?

  • Top 16 D&A specialists DACH 2023
  • Employee satisfaction – and its impact on growth
  • General remarks on the market growth by segment & other observations
  • M&A activity in the market: Consolidations and consolidators
  • Marketing visibility Top 10 and by segment
  • Social media analysis
  • General (IT) specialists overview

I am a solution provider for Data & Analytics. How do I know if I am included?

With combined several hundred years of BARC market analyst experience in the D&A ecosystem and two years of intensive research for this product, we are pretty sure that we cover almost all relevant solution providers, with some exceptions for smaller niche providers or especially for recently founded startups.

If you add a “like” to the original post, we’ll check it out and get back to you if you haven’t been included yet. If you are currently part of a new startup in the D&A industry, please feel free to contact BARC on Linkedin to get in touch and be included.

How do you segment the market?

We categorize the solution providers in five different segments:

  • D&A specialists: Companies with an offering mainly focused on D&A services
  • General IT consultancies: IT consultancies with a significant D&A offering (among others)
  • General consultancies: Management consultancies with significant D&A offering (among others)
  • Software vendors: Software companies which have a significant D&A service unit (e.g. SAP)
  • Horizontal or vertical specialists: D&A specialists with clear focus on one vertical or horizontal segment (e.g. HR analytics)

Additionally, we segment the D&A specialists by size to make comparisons for each segment:

  • Top 10: The 10 largest D&A specialists
  • Large: 50+ employees
  • Mid: 20-50 employees
  • Small:  10-20 employees
  • Niche: 1-9 employees

What is the „focus“ all about?

We see most companies with a broad D&A offering. We additionally label companies according to their specialization in 4 different areas: SAP specialists, CPM specialists, AI specialists and Power BI specialists. This may seem odd as it is a mix of vendor specific (SAP), product specific (Power BI) or market specific focus (AI, CPM), however our experience shows that these are typical sub-segments of the market where companies compete strongly. Therefore, we added these tags to perform additional analysis (e.g. segment growth). Of course, this is not an exact and distinct segmentation, as there are many overlapping offers among the companies.

What information has been collected for the companies?

Data we collect for the companies includes # of employees, markets they offer services in, specialization, focus (explained in the last paragraph), partnerships, website, Linkedin profile, Linkedin followers, Instagram, Twitter profiles and followers, Kununu ratings for employee satisfaction, competence profile in 4 segments (AI, BI, DM and CPM), website visibility and traffic and more marketing oriented data. We also collect data on the ownership (e.g. group structure) where available.

 Why is BARC doing all that work and publishes many results for free?

 There are a couple of reasons why we took the effort to compile the database:

  • The insights of the database supports the BARC research in multiple ways (e.g. as an indicator for market development in different software segments – we collect partnerships for all service providers)
  • The database is used for compiling long- or shortlists for BARC advisory projects where we help companies to select a suitable service provider
  • BARC supports companies in M&A projects in the D&A market and uses the database as a foundation for identifying suitable targets
  • The complete DACH service provider database is available for purchase on request (no personal data included)
  • Additionally, the database is a base for research projects where we identify potential partners for software vendors looking to extend their reach to European markets

What is „DACH“?

Apologies to our international readers: DACH is a strange but well-established term for the German-speaking countries of Germany, Austria and the German-speaking part of Switzerland. Many of the solution providers operate in all three countries, and resources are often shared between them, which is why we conduct the main analysis for the DACH region as a whole. Nevertheless, BARC has detailed data for all three markets separately. 

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