Back in 2012, Harvard Business Review already ran the headline, “Data Scientist: the Sexiest Job of the 21st Century”, and that’s still true ten years later.
At the DATA festival #online 2022, various companies such as DHL Group, BWM Group and Temedia, spoke about the topic of tech jobs and presented their current challenges and measures in this regard.
Karolina Stosio is Lead Data Scientist at Temedica and she co-leads the Munich chapter of DATA festival’s special partner “Women in Big Data”. In her presentation, she showed how wide the current range of open positions in data is. In addition to vacancies in data analysis & AI, data storage & processes there is also a need for data acquisition and data production & sales.
“The BMW Group is in the biggest digital transformation I’ve ever experienced and it is a great adventure to be part of it. There is such an urgent need for Data Scientists! We are constantly looking for great talents who can support us in digitalizing existing processes, creating and delivering new opportunities and asking new questions that have not been raised before.” is the opinion of Dr. Stefan Meinzer, Domain-Owner & General Manager Sales Analytics at the BMW Group.
But it’s not just about finding new employees for data topics, it’s also about getting all employees excited about data-driven work.
If you’re interested in tech jobs and data culture, here are some insights from the presentations:
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Deutsche Post DHL Group – Maximizing the value of AI despite the war for talent
(Speaker: Thorsten Kranz, Lead Data Scientist @ Deutsche Post DHL Group)
- What is this talk about?
Thorsten describes DPDHL’s approach to tackling this challenge with a structured approach for talent management, organizational enablement of the whole Group, and a convenient working environment for Data Scientists and Data Analysts, including Kubeflow and Auto ML.
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Women in Big Data & Temedica – Future of data-driven work
(Speaker: Karolina Stosio, Co-lead | Munich Chapter of Women in Big Data & Lead Data Scientist @ Temedica)
- What is this talk about?
Karolina trys to find answers to these questions: What roles are and will be available in data-driven organisations? What skills are in demand and will remain relevant? Which positions will disappear?