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The AI Accelerator at Carl Zeiss AG

ZEISS is a global technology group and organized into four different segments: Glasses, Microscopes, MediTech and Semiconductor. Their data analytics team works with all the four business units together. They started their work in 2021 and the AI Accelerator was founded in November 2021 as a part of this team. Dr. Lydia Nemec is heading the AI-Accelerator-Team.

In this interview with Judith, she talks about the structure of this team, provides insights into their work and reveals what makes working in the data analytics team at ZEISS so special. “There are so many amazing roles in the world of data, such as data engineering or in the area of security. Althought theres a huge hype around data science, everyone working in this field should open their mind to these exciting other roles.”, Lydia says in the interview.

Overview of the questions Judith asks Lydia:

  • Lydia, could you please give a glimpse of what the data & analytics team at ZEISS does and what kind of company ZEISS is?
  • Why is it necessary to have two teams for the data governance (because at ZEISS there are two teams for it)?
  • You are comparatively quite far along in your data & analytics organization, do you agree?
  • You are an experienced Data Scientist working in an industrial field – all this is still kind of special for a woman. How do you see this and why do you like your job?
  • If somebody would ask you „Why should I join your team?“, what would you answer? What could be exciting about joining the team?
  • At the DATA festival in May, you will hold a presentation about Machine Learning at Zeiss and the road to MLOps. What can the participants expect from it?

Watch the interview here:


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