The importance of Data Quality in AI

Dr. Sahar Changuel from Société Générale has a PhD in machine learning and Natural Language Processing (NLP) and during the last 10 years of experience she didn’t stop working with data in its different format, structured and unstructured.

Today she is a Senior Data Manager and a Data Quality Manager. Her objective is to promote the data quality in her department, and to put in place a framework to remediate data quality issues.

At the DATA festival in May 2022 she gave a live presentation on “How to tackle Data Quality issues“. In it she adresses, amongst others, the impact of poor quality data on machine learning prediction results. Before her presentation, she gave Judith a backstage interview.

Watch the interview here:


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Overview of the questions Judith asks Sahar:

  • How do you like the DATA festival in Munich, what are your impressions so far?
  • You applied through our Call for Presentation and you came here from Paris. What motivated you to apply for an event that takes place in Germany?
  • Do you have this sort of conference in Paris, too?
  • Why do you think data quality is so important and what are your experiences in this so far?
  • In finance, is it more difficult to work on the data quality than in other segments?
  • What else can we expect from your speech?
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