Was ist Phocas?
Umfassende Cloud-basierte Plattform für BI und Analytics, Budgetierung und Forecasting, Finanzberichte und Analysen. Flexible Plattform für Fachanwender zur Erstellung individueller Planungs-, Budgetierungs- und Forecastinganwendungen, die i.d.R. zusätzlich zu den BI- und Analytics-Funktionen von Phocas genutzt werden.
- Phocas Funktionen (BARC-Einordnung)
● = abgedeckte Funktion, ●● = Funktionsschwerpunkt
● = abgedeckte Funktion
●● = Funktionsschwerpunkt
Über Phocas
Phocas User Reviews & Erfahrungen
Die in diesem Abschnitt enthaltenen Informationen basieren auf Anwenderfeedback zu und konkreten Erfahrungen mit Phocas.
Wer Phocas im Kontext der Planung wie nutzt
Warum User Phocas kaufen und welche Probleme sie bei der Nutzung haben
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Einzelne User Reviews für Phocas
Anzahl Mitarbeitende
Was gefällt Ihnen am besten?
Its versatility across multiple formats - i.e., sales BI, customers sales BI, finance module and forecasting and budgeting integration.
Was gefällt Ihnen am wenigsten/was könnte man verbessern?
It seems like the budgeting and forecasting module is still in the early stages of development despite being the most expensive subscription.
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Depending on the level of forecasting and complexity they are after, I may recommend a different tool. It is all dependent if they use the sales, ordering, consumer data BI tool because in conjunction with the finance tool is what makes the forecasting module suitable as it integrates very easily - even if building the forecasting / budget can be a bit cumbersome.
Wie würden Sie Ihre Erfahrung zusammenfassen?
Excellent BI and finance tool cannot wait to get the forecasting module up to the same level
Anzahl Mitarbeitende
Was gefällt Ihnen am besten?
Ability to utilize data from ERP system to bridge financial and operational reporting. In person assistance is usually very good. It is clear that if you live in the Phocas world all the time it offers significant flexibility and performance, but requires nuanced knowledge of the context, tools and data construction to create those results.
Was gefällt Ihnen am wenigsten/was könnte man verbessern?
Documentation appears to often be outdated. Error messages provide no guidance resolve issues. Training is generally task driven rather than explaining context and design considerations for planning components. User interface needs to be relearned each year as tool tips are rare, context often determines what options or selections are available, shortcut keys are limited, etc. No ability to import from Excel; minimal documentation on what operational streams of planning data might be available for performance measurement during the year (SKU? By Customer? By Pdt Group? By Region?).
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Support and consultant training is good but expensive. If you're ERP system has inflexible crap reporting, Phocas can provide a good solution.
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Seems to spend a lot of time trying to re-invent features already in Excel Graphing is weak and color selection non-existent (and not colorblind appropriate). Widgets are rudimentary and unable to draw information from multiple sources for analysis (inventory and sales). Basic performance of DB analytics is solid but user interfaces are far from intuitive.
Anzahl Mitarbeitende
Was gefällt Ihnen am besten?
Product is evolving and improving. Ability to interface with ERP and financial DBs. Support specialists are knowledgeable and enthusiastic.
Was gefällt Ihnen am wenigsten/was könnte man verbessern?
User interface is not intuitive to casual user. Tool tips, function hints, etc. are missing. For us, planning and forecasting are executive tasks, not a staffed department. Forecasting and planning elements are heavily dependent upon formats (i.e., financial layout) defined outside of forecasting component. Appears to be unable to import Excel or CSV data for planning data.
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Wie würden Sie Ihre Erfahrung zusammenfassen?
Because it is primarily an analytic tool that works well without ERP system, the forecasting feature is a useful addition. I would not position Phocas as a forecasting software.
Anzahl Mitarbeitende
Was gefällt Ihnen am besten?
Ease of use for all levels of users.
Was gefällt Ihnen am wenigsten/was könnte man verbessern?
Budgeting and forecasting needs some work to be able to display individual budgets.
Welchen wichtigen Rat würden Sie anderen Unternehmen geben, die das Produkt einführen/nutzen wollen?
Do it.
Wie würden Sie Ihre Erfahrung zusammenfassen?
Great program that has saved us a lot of time and provided great analytical tools that would have taken us hours or even days to produce.
Anzahl Mitarbeitende
Was gefällt Ihnen am besten?
Was gefällt Ihnen am wenigsten/was könnte man verbessern?
Keep working on improving the ease of use of all the functions of the software.
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Invest the time in setting it up to maximize the ease of use. I.E favorite reports that provide simple clear information.
Wie würden Sie Ihre Erfahrung zusammenfassen?
A very good product that value adds to the overall business.
Anzahl Mitarbeitende
Was gefällt Ihnen am besten?
That everyone can prepare and see their budgets, and then their actuals are imported every night, so they always know where they are at within their budgets.
Was gefällt Ihnen am wenigsten/was könnte man verbessern?
Not much!
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Get the drivers setup during the overall setup. We went around our payroll driver because of the time it would take, now we're playing catchup this year trying to get it up and going. We still have great support, but having it done initially would have been ideal.
Wie würden Sie Ihre Erfahrung zusammenfassen?
I like Phocas and have recommended it to several other companies in my industry (Food Banking).
Anzahl Mitarbeitende
Was gefällt Ihnen am besten?
Ease of use.
Was gefällt Ihnen am wenigsten/was könnte man verbessern?
More flexibility around budgeting (or specific knowledge of doing so).
Welchen wichtigen Rat würden Sie anderen Unternehmen geben, die das Produkt einführen/nutzen wollen?
Go for it.
Wie würden Sie Ihre Erfahrung zusammenfassen?
Love it. Sales, purchasing and financials used every day. Still learning Budgeting and Forecasting.
Anzahl Mitarbeitende
Was gefällt Ihnen am besten?
Flexible and very good support team.
Was gefällt Ihnen am wenigsten/was könnte man verbessern?
Integration between analytics and budgeting and forecast models.
Welchen wichtigen Rat würden Sie anderen Unternehmen geben, die das Produkt einführen/nutzen wollen?
Do it!
Wie würden Sie Ihre Erfahrung zusammenfassen?
Excellent and more user friendly than Power BI/Other BI products.
Anzahl Mitarbeitende
Was gefällt Ihnen am besten?
A good user-friendly interface. Generally easy to use.
Was gefällt Ihnen am wenigsten/was könnte man verbessern?
Bugs often arise, normally at crucial moments when you need the data to be accurate/correct.
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Make sure you test it will work for you want it to. Maybe give it a year or so for them to work through the bugs.
Wie würden Sie Ihre Erfahrung zusammenfassen?
The software is generally good and easy to use. The functionality is there to do most required tasks. However, these often seem to have some glitch which is frustrating.
Anzahl Mitarbeitende
Was gefällt Ihnen am besten?
Flexibility and speed to get detailed forecasts.
Was gefällt Ihnen am wenigsten/was könnte man verbessern?
Can’t add in easily a new dimension you don’t have to see if it will work for budgeting. NI in the UK can.t be easily calculated through the payroll headcount function due to the levels and functions on that calc. We have a couple of companies, one database for sales and 2 for finance, currently looking at restructuring, hard to see budgets for different scenarios
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Embrace it and use it every day.
Wie würden Sie Ihre Erfahrung zusammenfassen?
Good evolving functionalities.
Anzahl Mitarbeitende
Was gefällt Ihnen am besten?
Low barrier of entry for general users. Background setup for analytics is very user friendly and easy to build upon.
Was gefällt Ihnen am wenigsten/was könnte man verbessern?
Limited design options for graphs.
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Would recommend given the usability and team doing the implementation are very diligent in completing an integration.
Wie würden Sie Ihre Erfahrung zusammenfassen?
Good company, great product with exciting advances incoming with the implementation of AI.
Anzahl Mitarbeitende
Was gefällt Ihnen am besten?
Ease of use. Quick loading. Good UI.
Was gefällt Ihnen am wenigsten/was könnte man verbessern?
Data sync processes.
Welchen wichtigen Rat würden Sie anderen Unternehmen geben, die das Produkt einführen/nutzen wollen?
Plan internally properly, before beginning an implementation.
Wie würden Sie Ihre Erfahrung zusammenfassen?
Overall, it is a great tool, at a very good price point. Effective for SME market.
Anzahl Mitarbeitende
Was gefällt Ihnen am besten?
Ease of drilling into the numbers and the way it the numbers flow from the P&L/Balance sheet right down to product/customer/supplier level.
Was gefällt Ihnen am wenigsten/was könnte man verbessern?
It would be good if there was better documentation within Phocas on how to use each area of the system.
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It is very powerful once you have it set up but there is a bit of work involved. To get the best out of the software you really need an internal IT person who can set up the reports and dashboards etc.
Wie würden Sie Ihre Erfahrung zusammenfassen?
Very good tool.