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Was ist VaultSpeed?

Low-/no-code Data Wareshouse Automation Lösung mit Fokus auf Integration verteilter Datenquellen, Data Vault-Modellierung und ETL/DDL-Codegenerierung.

Data Management & Storage
– Databases & Access Engines
– Data Intelligence, Data Catalogs and Marketplaces
– Data Operations
● Data Pipelining and Data Quality

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Über VaultSpeed

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VaultSpeed User Reviews & Erfahrungen

Die in diesem Abschnitt enthaltenen Informationen basieren auf Anwenderfeedback zu und konkreten Erfahrungen mit VaultSpeed.

Die Informationen und Kennzahlen entstammen größtenteils den BARC Umfragen The BI & Analytics Survey, The Planning Survey, The Financial Consolidation Survey und The Data Management Survey. Mehr Informationen zur Methodik erhalten Sie beim Klick auf die entsprechenden Links.

Zusammenfassung der User Review Highlights von VaultSpeed

Was Anwender an VaultSpeed schätzen und wo das Produkt im Uservergleich besonders gut abschneidet.

Warum User VaultSpeed kaufen und welche Probleme sie bei der Nutzung haben

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Ihre Vorteile:

Einzelne User Reviews für VaultSpeed

Data Engineer/Data Manager
Anzahl Mitarbeitende
Mehr als 2.500
Einladung durch den Hersteller, The Data Management Survey 25, 02/2024
Was gefällt Ihnen am besten?

Best data automation tool and the training that's available for it's users.

Was gefällt Ihnen am wenigsten/was könnte man verbessern?

Bugs caused after latest release.

Welchen wichtigen Rat würden Sie anderen Unternehmen geben, die das Produkt einführen/nutzen wollen?

It is better to use VaultSpeed instead of manually creating SQL scripts.

Wie würden Sie Ihre Erfahrung zusammenfassen?

It's a great tool. It was a great learning experience in the beginning. But once a user gets a hang of the tool's functionalities it becomes easy to navigate. The UI is good & easy to use.

Mitarbeiter IT
Anzahl Mitarbeitende
Mehr als 2.500
Einladung durch den Hersteller, The Data Management Survey 25, 02/2024
Was gefällt Ihnen am besten?

The UI is great, smooth, and easy to navigate.

Was gefällt Ihnen am wenigsten/was könnte man verbessern?

There are some core features missing, and only seem to enforce VaultSpeed's interpretation of data vault modeling.

Welchen wichtigen Rat würden Sie anderen Unternehmen geben, die das Produkt einführen/nutzen wollen?

VaultSpeed is a new product that will likely end up great, but right now, is not great for large scale enterprise companies.

Wie würden Sie Ihre Erfahrung zusammenfassen?

It's definitely better than the previous manual implementation that we used, and has a great UI. There are some major drawbacks and missing features, like same-as link capabilities, branching, and managing multiple sources more seamlessly.

Anzahl Mitarbeitende
Mehr als 2.500
Einladung durch den Hersteller, The Data Management Survey 25, 02/2024
Was gefällt Ihnen am besten?

Metadata driven approach.

Was gefällt Ihnen am wenigsten/was könnte man verbessern?

Scalability in terms of concurrent users (also a drawback of data vault methodology).

Welchen wichtigen Rat würden Sie anderen Unternehmen geben, die das Produkt einführen/nutzen wollen?

Get specialized experienced consultancy.

Wie würden Sie Ihre Erfahrung zusammenfassen?

Promising localy developed tooling.

Data Engineer/Data Manager
Anzahl Mitarbeitende
Mehr als 2.500
Einladung durch den Hersteller, The Data Management Survey 25, 03/2024
Was gefällt Ihnen am besten?

Accessibility and ease of use.

Was gefällt Ihnen am wenigsten/was könnte man verbessern?

Customer support.

Welchen wichtigen Rat würden Sie anderen Unternehmen geben, die das Produkt einführen/nutzen wollen?

It's a easy to use tool just lacks in customer support.

Wie würden Sie Ihre Erfahrung zusammenfassen?

A good ETL tool.

Anzahl Mitarbeitende
Weniger als 100
Einladung durch den Hersteller, The Data Management Survey 25, 03/2024
Was gefällt Ihnen am besten?


Was gefällt Ihnen am wenigsten/was könnte man verbessern?

There are certain areas of opportunity that we believe would greatly enhance Vaultspeed's place in this software genre. Most importantly is providing additional attention to the consumption aspect of the data vault in the ability to generate custom expressions and rules in the business and information layer. VaultSpeed Studio was a great and welcoming addition to it's product suite when added. However, an enhanced more graphical and feature rich capability in this area would set it apart from it's competitors if it implements such a highly configurable experience that it has for it's core raw vault and business vault functionality. The ability to create hard business rules in the staging process is functionality that could be enhanced. VaultSpeed Studio's template language is a little awkward to use for even the most seasoned veteran. A simplification of capability in this aspect of the tool will help in a more widespread adoption of this feature. The biggest opportunity for VaultSpeed is in the area of data modernization of customers with existing data vaults or data warehouse. A more automated way to handle these migrations within the tool would be ideal. Documentation, blogs, videos on how this can be done whether manually or automated would allow for more widespread adoption of the tool, especially in areas where POCs are being done against its competitors. This is probably one of the least mature aspects of the tool in comparison to its more mature competition.

Welchen wichtigen Rat würden Sie anderen Unternehmen geben, die das Produkt einführen/nutzen wollen?

VaultSpeed offers a mature and feature rich solution for building a data vault. It is the most configurable tool in this space on the market and addresses a lot of the concerns that the typical data vault engineer/user would encounter in building a data vault. The most impressive aspect is it's ease of set up and time to market to get up and running. It has a high number of integrations for the leading database vendors in the market and continues to expand its connector footprint. The Rest API integration is a often overlooked aspect of the tools capabilities. Compared to its competitors, the integration opportunities of VaultSpeed with third party tools (COTS or Custom) is great. Highlighting these features through documentation and videos would be a great boon to user and developer adoption.

Wie würden Sie Ihre Erfahrung zusammenfassen?

Vaultspeed has great potential in the data warehouse automation market. It's claims for the ease of use for building a data vault with a low code setup holds true. There are certain areas of opportunity that we believe would greatly enhance Vaultspeed's place in this software genre. Most importantly is providing additional attention to the consumption aspect of the data vault in the ability to generate custom expressions and rules in the business and information layer. VaultSpeed Studio was a great and welcoming addition to it's product suite when added. However, an enhanced more graphical and feature rich capability in this area would set it apart from it's competitors if it implements such a highly configurable experience that it has for it's core raw vault and business vault functionality.

Anzahl Mitarbeitende
Weniger als 100
Einladung durch den Hersteller, The Data Management Survey 25, 02/2024
Was gefällt Ihnen am besten?

Platform independent, no-code/low-code design, automation easiness, quicker development.

Was gefällt Ihnen am wenigsten/was könnte man verbessern?

Nothing so far.

Welchen wichtigen Rat würden Sie anderen Unternehmen geben, die das Produkt einführen/nutzen wollen?

It's a really good cloud based tool which interestingly is Data Vault 2.0 complaint, so you're worries about getting off the track while implementing DV2.0 will be gone. It sticks to DV2.0 and helps develop quickly with no-code/low-code automation.

Wie würden Sie Ihre Erfahrung zusammenfassen?

A good overall tool which helps implementing Data Vault 2.0 easily.

Anzahl Mitarbeitende
Weniger als 100
Einladung durch den Hersteller, The Data Management Survey 25, 04/2024
Was gefällt Ihnen am besten?

It's a easy way to build a scalable data vault style data warehouse and skip hand-writing dozens of large SQL files.

Was gefällt Ihnen am wenigsten/was könnte man verbessern?

Pricing doesn't scale down well enough. But it's reasonable for large customers.

Welchen wichtigen Rat würden Sie anderen Unternehmen geben, die das Produkt einführen/nutzen wollen?

Be sure you have a clear plan for use of any staging areas, the staging layer in VaultSpeed is not the same thing as an actual staging or landing area for source data.

Wie würden Sie Ihre Erfahrung zusammenfassen?

It is a very fully featured product and does 1 thing very well.

Anzahl Mitarbeitende
Weniger als 100
BARC Marketing, The Data Management Survey 25, 03/2024
Was gefällt Ihnen am besten?

Quick graphic modeling. Ready-to-deploy and certified code. Concentrate on business needs rather than coding. Reliability.

Was gefällt Ihnen am wenigsten/was könnte man verbessern?

Connectivity. More graphical modeling on Business Vault / Data Mart layers.

Welchen wichtigen Rat würden Sie anderen Unternehmen geben, die das Produkt einführen/nutzen wollen?

First get trained with Datavault. Start with an MVP with certified Data Vault consultants.

Wie würden Sie Ihre Erfahrung zusammenfassen?

Very good.

Anzahl Mitarbeitende
Weniger als 100
BARC Marketing, The Data Management Survey 25, 04/2024
Was gefällt Ihnen am besten?

How much value it adds to a business by automating so much of a warehouse development process.

Was gefällt Ihnen am wenigsten/was könnte man verbessern?

More flexible price ranges.

Welchen wichtigen Rat würden Sie anderen Unternehmen geben, die das Produkt einführen/nutzen wollen?

Doing data consolidation manually cannot compare to doing it automated. So go for it.

Wie würden Sie Ihre Erfahrung zusammenfassen?

Great product, automates much of the process, saving companies long term cost and decreasing time to value.

Survey Informationen
Anzahl der Reviews für VaultSpeed
Bewertete Versionen
100% latest cloud version
Vergleichsgruppen im Survey
Data Product Engineering, Data Product Engineering (Big Players), Data Warehouse Automation
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