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The Digi Peergroups at Siemens

At DATA festival live in Munich in May 2022, Judith met Dr. Ulrike Dowie and Dr. Matthias Stephan from Siemens AG before their presentation on stage. Ulrike is Head of Analytics and Matthias is head of Technology, both at “Data Visions”, a team of experts developing AI solutions for data-based decision making. They held the presentation together with their colleague David Wroblewski about “Digi Peergroups – how to spread Citizen Data Science”.

The Digi Peergroups at Siemens have been created to provide targeted training for employees, so that the training

  • contains exactly what the learner is looking for,
  • provides concrete facilitation for the learner’s daily work,
  • offers a long-term benefit and
  • has a good cost-benefit ratio.

In the interview, Ulrike and Matthias gave a taste of their presentation and talked about the changes in the field of data & analytics over the last ten years. “In the beginning it was a lot about which tools to use, how to process them, which is the right database, etc. In recent years, we finally shifted the focus to people and getting them to see the benefit of data and how to use it.”, Ulrike says.

Watch the interview here:


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Overview of the questions Judith asks Ulrike and Matthias:

  • Today’s our second day at DATA festival in Munich – how do you like the event so far? How did you like the party yesterday and the program?
  • Ulrike, you are a data expert at Siemens for more than 10 years – how have data-challenges changed over the years from your point of view?
  • Your presentation later is about the “Digi Peergroups” at Siemens – can you tell something about this?
  • Is it like a “data doctor” or is it more like internal trainings?
  • Another option would be to have trainings by consultancies. What is different in training your staff (besides the costs) than having them trained by providers?
Die DATA Party geht weiter!
Das DATA festival #online kommt am 13. November zurück!
Zwei Tage lang dreht sich wieder alles um die nutzbringende Anwendung von Daten & künstlicher Intelligenz und wie wir damit unsere digitale Zukunft gestalten können. Die Teilnahme ist kostenlos.

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