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Planning with Qlik

Watch our free webinar and get insights into the options and benefits of adding planning functionality to your Qlik system!
planning with qlik video thumb

Are you doing your reporting in Qlik but want to use it for planning too?

Our webinar „Planning with Qlik“ will provide you with a market overview of the solution approaches currently available. We open up with a discussion on the need for integrated planning and reporting as well as a summary of the latest market developments around planning. Then, two selected vendors demonstrate their solution approaches in live demos, covering themes such as modeling and front ends. We round off the webinar with a panel discussion about the market for planning integrated in reporting platforms with our experts.

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Sie wollen mit Ihrem Datenprojekt durchstarten, aber wissen nicht so recht, wie? Hier geht's zu unseren SmartStart Workshops zu verschiedenen Themen.