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Lufthansa Cargo’s Digital Sales Unit

DATA festival committee member Marcel Kling works for Lufthansa Cargo, an independent logistics company founded in 1994 within the Lufthansa Group. In the interview with DATA festival founder Carsten Bange, he gives insights into his relatively new role as Senior Director & Head of Digital Sales there, as the pandemic had hit the larger mother company Lufthansa hard, where he previously worked. At Lufthansa Cargo, which is the sixth largest cargo airline in the world, Marcel is building a digital sales unit for selling transportation services.

“Lufthansa Cargo is evolving into a more and more digital sales process. If you think of commerce, the selling process and of people who are making a buying decision, that has usually been on a very interpersonal basis. We are now seeing that our customers are more and more demanding for digital interaction like digital direct bookings or comparing prices. Where we need to go and what we have to do is to understand how we get from an insight driven to an impact driven use of data.

Insights are already largely used and widely available in our company. Now we need to move more and more from producing insights with data to produce impact and influence business decisions and automate business decisions by data and AI. Because insights are good, but it’s always about what you make of it”, Marcel reports in the interview.

Watch the interview here:


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Overview of the questions Carsten asks Marcel:

  • Why did you want to engage yourself with the DATA festival?
  • What is your current role at Lufthansa Cargo?
  • What relevance do Data and AI have for you in your actual role?
  • What was the technology, use case or achievement that fascinated you the most over the last years?
  • Why should everyone viewing this video come to the next DATA festival?

In September 2021 we streamed the DATA festival #online from our studio in Würzburg, supported by our committee members. We took the chance to have a personal talk with each one of them on actual Data, Analytics & AI topics and their actual challenges according to these. You will find all interviews here in our blog. Stay tuned.

Die DATA Party geht weiter!
Das DATA festival #online kommt am 13. November zurück!
Zwei Tage lang dreht sich wieder alles um die nutzbringende Anwendung von Daten & künstlicher Intelligenz und wie wir damit unsere digitale Zukunft gestalten können. Die Teilnahme ist kostenlos.

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