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Data Culture Podcast

How to successfully implement a data catalog – with Ole Olesen-Bagneux

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Dive into the significance of data catalogs in fostering a strong data culture. Discover why viewing a data catalog as a search engine matters and how data organization defines accessibility.
Our guest Ole Olesen-Bagneux is an expert on data catalogs and author of the O’Reilly book on the topic.
He talks about successful data catalog implementation, including user engagement and the evolving role of tools. We also explore the integration of AI in data cataloging’s future.

Enjoy the episode!

For further information, here’s the episode with Timm Grosser about Data Access (German language).
Join our Event “The Heart of Data Mesh & Fabric” on September 27 – 28, where we also talk about data catalogs.

Ole Olesen-Bagneux on LinkedIn.
Carsten Bange on LinkedIn.
Follow BARC on LinkedIn.

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