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Data Mesh and Data Fabric – From Theory to Application | On Demand

Is Data Mesh a future-proof approach to longstanding data & analytics challenges?
BARC Data Mesh_Thumb

Data mesh is a hot topic in the data & analytics community, eliciting a wide range of opinions. Some view it as a governance nightmare, while others see it as the ultimate solution to current data & analytics challenges. This second edition of BARC’s Data Mesh Survey builds upon the first edition from 2023, allowing us to analyze time-series data and draw comparisons about the changes and trends over the past year. Notably, the concept of data products has emerged as a significant trend, prompting us to place greater emphasis on it in this year’s edition.

Watch the video and…

  • Learn how relevant the data mesh concept is for companies.
  • Hear about current challenges for data & analytics leaders.
  • See the benefits organizations get from data mesh.

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Jacqueline Bloemen
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